
Spiritual Growth

Lent Resources

The season of Lent starts on Wednesday the 5th March. During this Lenten season we will be using a resource prepared by the Qld Synod focussing on God’s ongoing story of renewal for the whole of creation, and how our story weaves and intertwines with God’s story.

Over the next few weeks, we will journey with people from past generations and hear stories of how God renewed their lives through transforming encounters, forgiveness, reconciliation, and faithfulness. As we hear and reflect on the stories of others, we will also reflect on how God is renewing our lives and our Church and what God is calling us to do in the renewal process. A number of resources are available both for personal reflection and for your bible study or small group. If you would like to download the resources click on the links on the left hand side. Please join us as we journey together through this Lenten period.

Spiritual Growth covers key elements of the life of the Christian Church, including discipleship, bible studies, developing spiritual leaders and identifying people who have a calling on their lives for future ministry and mission engagement. As One Congregation in multiple locations, Southside seeks to build our unified identity through our spiritual commitment, by developing ourselves to discipleship we can find out more about our identity in Christ and as members of this unique community in the life of our church.

To find out more about Spiritual Growth in Southside Uniting Church or to express your interest in joining a Small Group, please contact the church office.

Life Is Not Meant to Be Lived Alone

On a weekly or fortnightly basis groups of people meet in homes, over zoom and at our church buildings to encourage each other in their discipelship. When people meet in a small group they study the bible and apply it to their lives, the pray for each other and care deeply. They encourage each other in ministry. They eat, laugh, cry and share life together.

Our small groups are a place to belong, because you matter.

Currently, we have groups that meet on:

Monday morning

Monday afternoon

Monday night

Tuesday night

Thursday afternoon

Sunday night

There's always room for more groups and people.

More From 'Ministries'

Children Youth and Families

Each week we release a video for our children and familes to help them start to explore the reading for the coming Sunday. You can see this above. We also send out some faith resources on the Monday to start these conversations. You can find these linked on the left side of the page.

We have a number of activities across Southside for young people. You can find out details about each of them in the tabs at the bottom of the page. Here are some photos to help you see some of these groups.

JAFFA - (grade 1-5)

Girls Brigade - (prep - year 12)

Boys Brigade - (prep - year 12)

Unite Youth Group - (grade 6-12)

Richard Moors works with an amazing team of volunteers to oversee all of the activities we do with young people. If you would like to know any more details he would love to chat with you.

All our volunteers with young people are screened and commit to adhering to the Safe Ministry With Children policy.



Jesus tells us that the church "is the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14).

Southside Uniting Church takes seriously this charge to be active in sharing Christ's love locally, nationally and internationally.

For more information on our Outreach Groups please contact the church office.



As one church in multiple locations, we are keenly aware of the importance of pastoral care, since caring for each other is intrinsic to authentic Christian community and the heart and character of God. Christ proclaims in John 13:34-35 “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Networks of care are established in each of our communities, so that we may live out our motto of pastoral care being for everyone, by everyone.
